Big Screen Quiz

Software for outdoor urban screens that encourages crowds to compete in quizzes or voice opinions through voting.

March 2010

The BBC wanted an interactive software based system that would let members of the public take part in multiple choice based quizzes through the BBC Big Screen network.

Our first campaign was for Sport Relief, as part of a Question of Sport. You could test your sporting knowledge across many cities, raising awareness for this charity campaign.

To get crowds working together or debating amongst themselves, the live camera display was shown with 4 possible answers dividing the space into zones. When answering a question, players had to move their bodies within a zone to build up a ‘power bar’. The zone with the most amount of movement at the end of the countdown becomes the selected response.

National Scoring & Localisation
The quiz ran on 17 screen sites across the UK over a period of weeks. Sometimes as part of an organised roadshow with a commentator and staff, other times left for the public to stumble upon.

At the end of each quiz session, your score would be uploaded. The UK leaderboard table would be shown on the screen, further encouraging competitiveness between locations.  Within each city there was local content, with questions relating specifically to those cities.

Technical details
Custom software created by Chris O’Shea in c++ using openFrameworks and openCV.