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The works of Chris O’Shea and collaborators.
Little Magic Stories
Bringing the imagination of children to life through storytelling, performance and technology.
Bringing the imagination of children to life through storytelling, performance and technology.
Hand from Above
Be lifted from the crowd by a giant. Commissioned by the FACT and BBC Big Screen.
Be lifted from the crowd by a giant. Commissioned by the FACT and BBC Big Screen.
Youth Music Box
Make music with friends and watch it come to life. In collaboration with Silent Studios.
Make music with friends and watch it come to life. In collaboration with Silent Studios.
Flap to Freedom
Flap your arms to race your chicken to freedom. In collaboration with ico design for the V&A village fete.
Flap your arms to race your chicken to freedom. In collaboration with ico design for the V&A village fete.
Air Guitar Championship
Temporarily feel like a rock god. In collaboration with Silent Studios for charity Shelter.
Temporarily feel like a rock god. In collaboration with Silent Studios for charity Shelter.
Out of Bounds
See through the walls with an x-ray torch. Commissioned by the Design Museum London.
See through the walls with an x-ray torch. Commissioned by the Design Museum London.